Items may address the presence and location of centrioles but may not require knowledge of the function of centrioles. More specific information: Items will focus on the relationship between mutations and uncontrolled cell growth, rather than a specific mutation that may result in uncontrolled cell growth. Students will explain how cancer (uncontrolled cell growth) may result from mutations that affect the proteins that regulate the cell cycle. Students will explain how mitosis forms new cells and its role in maintaining chromosome number during asexual reproduction. Students will describe specific events occurring in each of the stages of the cell cycle and/or phases of mitosis. Benchmark Clarifications Students will describe the role of mitosis in asexual reproduction, Including how these processes may contribute to or limit genetic variation. Please read the item specs below and guide your project accordingly. The State of Florida has issued something called “Item Specs.” These item specs tell you what you are supposed to learn about this topic. Be ready to present to class the model that you create together with a verbal explanation of everything you have learned about that phase as you present.
Choose a phase of Mitosis and create a model of that phase.
ACTIVITY Your teacher will give you more specific directions about this project. Name _ Date _ Per _ Cell Cycle Flip Book Purpose: TWO ACTIVITIES MUST BE COMPLETED.